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What you should know about Va form 21 651

  1. VA Form 21 651 supersedes VA Form 21-651 Mar 2005.
  2. The form is used to secure compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  3. VA Form 21 651 must be signed and dated before submission.

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How to prepare Va form 21 651

Get the VA 21-651 online
Make use of your desktop or mobile phone to start the form on-line in the PDF file editor. Click on Get Form to look at the current version of the form.
Fill in the form
Complete the template step-by-step, providing correct info. When there is a signature place, include your signature by drawing or entering it.
E-file the papers
It is possible to pass printing and send your papers online by means of email. Consult with the respective authorities whether the form is approved digitally.

About VA 21-651

VA 21-651 is a form titled "Election of Compensation in Lieu of Retirement Pay or Waiver of Retired Pay to Secure Compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)". It is a document provided by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for veterans who are retiring from the military and are entitled to both military retirement pay and VA disability compensation. This form is necessary for veterans who want to waive their military retirement pay in order to receive VA disability compensation instead. It allows veterans to choose between receiving their military retirement pay or opting for VA disability compensation, as they are not allowed to receive both simultaneously. The VA disability compensation is tax-free and is provided to veterans who have service-connected disabilities resulting from their military service. By electing this option, veterans can receive monetary compensation from the VA designed to assist with any limitations or disabilities suffered due to their military service, rather than receiving military retirement pay. Therefore, VA 21-651 is needed by veterans who want to opt for VA disability compensation and waive their military retirement pay to secure compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs based on their service-connected disabilities.

How to complete a Va form 21 651

  1. Sign and date the form and return it to the VA office listed in Item 1
  2. If you have any questions about completing the form, you can call VA tollfree at 18008271000
  3. Remember to indicate whether you are electing to receive compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs in lieu of retired pay or if you are waiving a portion of your retired pay to secure compensation

People also ask about Va form 21 651

How do I submit VA Form 21 651?
Please sign and date the form and return it to the VA office listed in Item 1.
What is the purpose of VA Form 21 651?
The form is used to elect compensation in lieu of retired pay or waiver of retired pay to secure compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Where can I get help with completing VA Form 21 651?
Call VA toll-free at 1-800-827-1000 for assistance. Hearing Impaired TDD federal relay number is 711.

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Fill out paperwork in time with a trustworthy web-based tool

Late and hasty filing might damage your reputation and in many cases make you overspend. On top of that, any mistake can force you to go through a burdensome process all over again. Prepare your files beforehand to avoid headaches and nerve-wracking processes. Start out with arranging your paperwork, receipts or any other papers required to complete VA 21-651. Save efforts with web tools to file papers in the specific timeframes and fill out forms in minutes from anywhere.

Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Va form 21 651

Instructions and Help about Va form 21 651

Generally filing a VA claim online is the fastest and most convenient way to apply for disability benefits you can also complete a paper form and mail it to the Department of Veterans Affairs evidence intake Center P.O box 444 in Janesville Wisconsin 535-47-4444 you can also submit your application in person just bring it to your nearest VA Regional Office and you can also rely on your legal representative to complete and file the form and that is also with a veteran service organization or a VA accredited agent or attorney.